Heart Beat to DrumBrute Impact Tempo with Apple Watch, Holon.ist, & Pure Data

Using Holon.ist, OSC, and Pure Data to send my heart rate from my Apple Watch to the Arturia DrumBrute Impact.

I got an Apple Watch a couple of weeks ago, and, of course, on the very first day I started looking into apps that would allow me to send the data coming from my watch out as OSC messages. After some poking around I found Holon.ist by Holonic Systems, and decided to give it a try.

There’s actually way more in this app than I actually needed (I just wanted to get all the physical data out to my laptop), but it suits the purpose. So in this video, I show a quick demo of getting my heart rate as an OSC message into my laptop running Pd, and then converting it into a MIDI clock for the drumbrute impact.

More on OSC in Pd Vanilla:

More Pure Data tutorials here.

Check prices on the Arturia DrumBrute Impact (affiliate links):
Perfect Circuit

Sending Raw MIDI Data in Max (and Pure Data)

Sending out raw MIDI data in Max/MSP with [midiout] for system messages and other live control.

Here, I use the [midiout] object in Max to send individual “note on” and “note off” messages, using our knowledge of the MIDI protocol. We can then expand that to algorithmic MIDI control of sequences in the Arturia DrumBrute Impact, including adjusting the clock and the song position pointer for funky, chaotic beats.

0:00 Intro
0:30 [midiout]
0:59 Basic concept – Note On
3:16 Note Off
4:32 Pitch Bend Change
5:32 Exploring Algorithmic Control
6:47 Controling Sequencers (DrumBrute Impact)
7:09 MIDI Clock Message
9:01 Algorithmic Clock Control
10:03 Start, Stop, and Continue MIDI Messages
11:29 Playing with the Song Position Pointer
13:30 Bringing back the Drunk [metro]
15:00 Closing / Next Steps

Click here for more Max/MSP videos: