I’ve released a new collection of pieces, “Cybernetics & Feedback”, available on bandcamp:

Inspired by the cybernetic and feedback works of Roland Kayn, Éliane Radigue, Bebe Barron, and Jaap Vink, and embracing an anything-goes noise music aesthetic, this collection of works from early 2022 explores analog feedback loops and self-regulating patches in Eurorack modular.
In these pieces, audio signals are routed back into themselves, and used to control processes and trigger events. While these are performed improvisations, “performance” in this case does not mean strict control, since these systems influence themselves as much as the performer does.

A quick acknowledgement that these noisy soundscapes might not be for everyone. Don’t worry. I won’t be offended.
I do have something a little more crowd-pleasing:

As a bonus, I’ve put up all the audio tracks from my “Ambient Chiptune” videos as a free/pay-what-you-want download.
(Definitely easier listening on these!)