Homemade Binaural Dummy Head Microphones

Digging through my closet, I found this binaural dummy head that I made several years ago, and I thought I’d take it for a spin. Perhaps it’s time for me to transition this channel into ASMR content?

I’ve talked before about binaural recordings, but I forgot that I had made this cheap binaural head probably close to 10 years ago. While it’s certainly not of the same quality as professional binaural microphones, give it a listen and let me know what you think about it as a $20 solution!


  • Syrofoam Mannequin Head (e.g. this)
  • 2x Electret Microphone (e.g. these)
  • Rocker Switch (e.g. this)
  • Battery Holder, 3xAA (e.g. this)

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PlayStation 5, Tempest 3D AudioTech, and HRTF (Sony PS5 Immersive Audio)

The new PS5 audio engine, Tempest 3D AudioTech, creates 3-dimensional sound on any headset by using HRTFs, head-related transfer functions. So what are HRTFs? How does this work? Will it work for everyone? What does this mean for surround-sound setups? What are the five “Types” in the 3D Audio Profile Settings?

This video is a quick overview of what Tempest 3D AudioTech is reportedly doing now at launch (November 2020), and what possibilities and questions there will be in the future.