Colors of Noise (White, Pink, Red, Brown, Blue, Purple, Green Noise Explained)

I love noise. Here, I explain the different “colors” of noise (and why they have those chromatic names).

From our dear friends white noise and pink noise, to less familiar characters such as brown noise, and green noise, each type has a particular frequency spectrum and therefore different uses in synthesis and sound design.

  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 0:16 White Noise and Spectra
  • 1:03 Pink Noise
  • 1:45 Logarithmic Perception and Pitch
  • 2:53 Red/Brown Noise
  • 3:58 Blue/Azure Noise
  • 4:13 Violet/Purple Noise
  • 4:29 Grey Noise
  • 4:53 Green Noise
  • 5:20 Velvet Noise
  • 5:35 Hot Pink Noise in Kyma
  • 5:48 Black Noise

More fundamentals of synthesis and MIDI here:

Elektrosluch and Stereo Microphones

Listening to electromagnetic radiation around the house using a homemade elektrosluch.

I was cleaning up, and found an “elektrosluch” that I made a few years back, and figured I’d dust it off and make sure that it still works. This is a device designed by LOM-Instruments that converts the vibration electromagnetic fields into sound (specifically vibrations of voltage that we can listen to through headphones, more info here ).

Make your own with this DIY article.

Pure Data Ring-Modulation Delay

A quick and easy Pure Data patch-from-scratch tutorial building a feedback loop with a delay and a ring modulator.

With just two sine waves, a delay, and some feedback, we can make some pretty complex and dynamic sounds! In this patch we take a sine wave, delay it, and then ring-modulate that delay before feeding it back on itself (feeding it back into the delay, that is).

There’s no talking on this one, just building the patch, and listening to it go.

More Pd Tutorials
More on modulation synthesis

Feedback Loops with Cheap Stuff

Create dynamic feedback loops on a cheap mixer and pedals. With just a few pieces of equipment you can make wonderful, interactive, and unpredictable sound systems.

Over the summer, I’ve been thinking a lot about feedback and how simple devices can create complex sounds when fed back into themselves. Alongside checking out a lot of great music, I’ve been reading about 1950s “Cybernetics” and 1990s Japanese “Noise Music”, and considering the expressive possibilities of resonance and feedback. In this video I show a simple way to put together a noisy feedback loop setup with inexpensive equipment I had sitting in my drawer.

Further Study:

Sarah Belle Read’s Tutorial on No-Input Mixing

La Synthèse Humaine, Feedback Loops Explained and Demonstrated on Serge Synthesizers

Norbert Wiener, “The Human Use of Human Beings” (1950)

David Novak, “Japanoise: Music at the Edge of Circulation” (2013)